Friday, November 26

Don Gillispie Doesn't Remember Browns Ferry

You might remember the curious fact that Gillispie has this to say in his resume:

"As part of a three-man executive team, Gillispie assisted in overseeing the 2007 reopening of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant unit three in Alabama before moving to Idaho to be near AEHI's first nuclear project."

However the unit actually restarted was unit 1. It seems strange that Gillispie would not notice this mistake if he had actually worked as part of the executive team on this project.

So I had a call with Masoud Bajestani at the Tennessee Valley Authority, the guy in charge of the reopening of Browns Ferry unit 1. I asked whether Gillispie had worked on the project in an executive capacity. His words:

"Gillispie worked for one week on an independent assessment."

When asked for the results of Gillispie's work Mr Bajestani said he didn't really know if anything came of it.

So at this point we know that the claimed MBA is a lie and that the work on Browns Ferry was enormously misrepresented.

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